Click here for great leather jackets and apparel
I wanted to talk about something very different today. It really does not fit this site, as it has nothing to do with Orlando, Florida or anything about vacations. But since I’m the boss I get to do it anyways! 😀
I just wanted to point out that I actually run around 3 dozen different websites, and one of them happens to be an online leather jackets and apparel store. It’s called Leather Supreme and if you like leather apparel you’ll find some great items in there.
I only carry high quality leather, not those damn cheap “patchwork” or “stone design” crappy leathers you see in EBay. Those are junk, made from scraps of left-over leather and pressed together like plywood!
No the leather apparel I carry is all high quality solid leather, most top grain cowhide or buffalo. I carry a lot of different types of leather jackets and coats too.
Like classic motorcycle jackets, leather racer jackets, leather vest, western style fringe leather apparel, leather coats and shirts and more. I’m adding a lot of new items very soon too, which is why I wanted to let you know about my site.
I don’t over charge for my leather apparel like some do. Most top quality leather jackets go for around $140.00 to about $200.00. Leather vest are around $54.00 to $80.00. Some are pretty cool, like leather vest and shirts made of real leather that look like blue denim!
I carry some nice colored leather apparel too. Reds, blues, purples, pinks and other colors and designs you can find in here. Most jackets have zip out thinsulate liners that go all the way up the sleeves to keep you warm.
Plus like I said I am adding a lot of new products the next few weeks. So if you like good quality leather apparel at fair prices, please check out my store at Leather Supreme. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Thanks!!