Well today is the 25th, so I wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! I hope those that celebrate today have a good time with your friends and family.
I will be keeping it simple myself. All my family lives up north in Vermont. So I will just go over to a friend’s house, exchange a few gifts, then relax the rest of the day, maybe even do a little work!
Anything Disney and all the theme parks and Orlando attractions will be very, very busy today. Christmas day is a very popular day to spend at a Disney park, the Magic Kingdom being the most popular of all.
They will have lots of special parades, shows and fireworks going on at the Magic Kingdom today, as well as at other parks. It WILL fill to capacity at the Magic Kingdom, so go early and stay there if you want to go.
All of us here at Orlando Inside wish you all a happy holiday season. The “all of us” being myself, Bill. Yes I run this site all by myself. I take all the theme park pictures and videos, do the ride reviews and all that other stuff.
It’s a tough job but I’m willing to sacrifice my time checking out all the Orlando attractions for you! Hopefully you get good information you can use from my site, I like to think so anyways.
So from me to you, Merry Christmas, happy holidays and may your new year be better than ever. I know I’m looking forward to 2012, it’s got to be better than this year!