How did you like Universal’s CityWalk New Years Eve party?

Citywalk new years eve party!

Now that new years eve is over, I just have to ask something. I made an article a few months ago about Universal Studios CityWalk New Years Eve party. I got a ton of traffic and comments about it.

So much so, that I REALLY want to know how the people that went liked it! No I did not go, those types of crowded parties are just not my thing. But I heard it was a great success.

So if you went to the CityWalk New Years Eve party, leave a comment here and let me know how it went. Was it great? Was it only so-so, or did it really turn you off and you will not be going this year?

I had a poll on here, but I just found out it does not work, so just leave a comment please. You can put more detail in a comment than a poll anyway!

Also was my article and comments helpful, or should I have said more? I’ve just never had an article be read by so many, so I want to know how it went for you! :)


  1. Hi Bill! I went and had lots of fun. It was pretty packed but I’m a people person so I had a great time. You should go next year!