Walt Disney World Golf Courses now Palmer Golf Courses

Disney turns golf courses over to Arnold Palmer group

Well everyone, looks like the next time you play some golf on one of Disney’s golf courses, they really are not Disney’s anymore. Seems as thought with many other golf courses around the area it’s not as profitable anymore for Disney.

At least not as profitable as they want to be for the time they put into them. So they are turning over the day to day operations over to the Arnold Palmer Group management company.

Yes that is the same famous Palmer golf player. It will be Disney’s 5 golf courses; the Palm, Magnolia, Lake Buena Vista, Osprey Ridge and Oak Trail golf courses.
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Walt Disney World’s Osprey Ridge Golf Course

Disney's Osprey Ridge golf course

If you play golf, you have to check out one of Disney’s fantastic golf courses on your Orlando vacation. One of five golf courses located at the Walt Disney World Resort, Osprey Ridge Golf Course is defined by elegant wilderness and unique landscapes.

It’s a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary golf course and has received four and half stars from Golf Digest. This course is a challenge to golfers, starting at the first tee and continuing through the beautiful tropical landscape.

All Disney courses are great but this one gets you away from everything including civilization. With uncharacteristically rolling Florida terrain, Osprey Ridge is perfect not only for the resort guests but also for professionals.
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