Well everyone, I can’t show you what this years Walt Disney World Thanksgiving day parade will look like, because it has not happened yet! But I can show you one from a few years ago. Each year the Disney holiday parades get better, and I’m sure the Thanksgiving day parade at Disney this year will be better than this one.
But this gives you a little taste of what to expect if you are at Disney World this year for the Thanksgiving day parade. They will have several of them during the day. Of course with four theme parks each parade will be a little different. This youtube video is of the Magic Kingdom Thanksgiving day parade at Walt Disney World. Enjoy!
Happy New Year!!!
I’m looking for a tape of the Thanksgiving Day Parade. The band from Bloomington, IL marched in the parade
and the parents are looking for a copy of the band marching, although the entire parade. If you know of such a tape,
I would greatly appreciate a contact link.
Many Happy Returns!!
Cheb Bowles