Walt Disney World Thanksgiving events and parades

walt disney world thanksgiving events and parades

Well in just a few weeks it will be Thanksgiving. Those of you who are going to take an Orlando vacation and go to Walt Disney World at Thanksgiving time might be wondering what is going on. One thing I can tell you is, all the Disney theme parks will be packed!

In fact every one of the Disney parks should fill to capacity in the early afternoon. So if you want to take in a Disney park on Thanksgiving day, go early and prepare for crowds. Don’t even think of park hopping on Thanksgiving day. Plan on going to one Disney park and staying there for the day.

Now as to what you can expect to see that is new on Thanksgiving day, the answer is not that much really. Disney will put up all their Christmas decorations and lights that night, but not on Thanksgiving day. So you will not see any special Christmas sets or displays.

However the next day the parks and all the Walt Disney World resorts will be transformed into a spectacular Christmas fantasy land! So make sure you go back the next day, or before you leave. In fact if it was me I’d skip going to the Disney parks on Thanksgiving day and go the next day.

Disney will have some nice big parades in all the parks on Thanksgiving day. Also in many of their better restaurants they will be serving yummy traditional Thanksgiving meals, complete with turkey and cranberries. The fireworks shows at night will also be great.

I don’t think any one Disney park will be better than the other for Thanksgiving day. So just go to the one you like the most. If your new to Disney however I would recommend going to The Magic Kingdom. Simply because that is where you can see most of the things you associate with Disney, like the castle, popular rides and more.

Now if your going to be in Orlando past Thanksgiving day here is a good tip for you. Most of the Thanksgiving Holiday tourist will leave by Sunday. So if you go to the Disney parks on Monday the 30th you’ll have it to yourselves! Also you get to see all the Christmas decorations they put up on Thanksgiving night!