Archives for March 2011

Disney World’s Magic Kingdom Pirates of the Caribbean Ride review

Disney's pirates of the Caribbean ride review

Located in the Magic Kingdom’s Adventureland, Pirates of the Caribbean Ride is one of Disney’s most popular attractions. It’s always been a favorite with visitors, but after the hit movies, it’s even more so.

Walt Disney himself helped with the ride’s design, and it opened just three months after his death. The ride begins at a Spanish fortress, where guests enter and walk through dimly-lit corridors that are littered with cannons and other pirate paraphernalia.

At the dock, you enter an open-air “boat” and float through the dark. After plunging over a waterfall, the boat enters underground caverns and winds up amidst a pirate battle. Next, the vessel passes through a town that has been taken over by buccaneers.
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Orlando Florida area upcoming pet events

Orlando area upcoming pet events

Orlando, Florida is a very pet friendly city. Many people here own pets and treat them like their own child! There are many pet shops, pet services, pet walking, grooming and so on pet services in Orlando.

So, I recently made another website that focuses on Orlando area pet services and events. There are many special pet events going on throughout the year here in Orlando.

Like pet washes, pet walks, pet rescue fundraisers and so on. The biggest pet events benefit the local SPCA, or humane society. You can even find pet Halloween costume events and pet pictures with Santa!
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SeaWorld putting trainers back in water with killer whales

SeaWorld getting trainers back in water with whales

Well here’s some interesting news from SeaWorld. It seems as though they are going to very slowly start putting trainers back into the pools with the killer whales.

As most people know, SeaWorld has not allowed any of the Orca whale trainers into the water with any of the whales since SeaWorld Orlando trainer Dawn Brancheau was killed by a 6-ton orca named Tilikum on Feb. 24, 2010.

But now they say they are going to very slowly start some water works with trainers in the water with the whales. At first it will be just restricted to small medical pools equipped with false-bottom floors that can be lifted out of the water.
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