Archives for April 2013

Disney’s Expedition Everest Challenge in May

Disney Animal Kingdom run

The Disney Expedition Everest Challenge is one of the annual upcoming events at Walt Disney World. This thrill-packed event gives you a chance to experience the true meaning of “racing heartbeat.” Runners must complete a 5K on a course through the Animal Kingdom.

There are obstacles and challenges, as well as a scavenger hunt. Along with the Wine and Dine Half Marathon and the Tower of Terror Ten Miler, this is one of the most popular Walt Disney World’s nighttime races.

This fun filled event takes place every year. Besides the obvious attraction of a 5K race, there are many other exciting elements that make this nighttime adventure anything but ordinary.
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The Top Five Scariest Rides In the Orlando Area

Scary theme park rides

There are lots of different reasons why people travel to Florida, some people go for the sunshine, some for the magic of Disney and some to experience the nature and wildlife, the fishing opportunities and sometimes even just to find a really good steak.

However, there are those who head there for the thrills and scares that can only come from experiencing some of the best rides in the world. So what does Orlando have in store for the self-proclaimed adrenaline junky?

Here are the five rides that we think will give even the biggest thrill seekers a run for their money.
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The Rise of The Simulator: A guide to Simulator rides in Universal Orlando

Universal simulator rides

In recent years special effects technology has taken giant leaps forward. No big blockbuster is complete without its fair share of special effects. So it’s no wonder that this passion for a big effect has taken hold of the theme park world.

It seems now that no park is complete without rides that push the boundaries of technology deliver a ride experience that can truly take you into another world, or at least make it feel that way.

One of the earliest examples of this type of attraction is the recently revamped “Amazing Adventures of Spiderman” at Universal Islands of Adventure. Just pop on your 3D glasses and get transported into the world of the Marvel hero.
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Latest news on new Harry Potter park expansion!

Latest news on Harry Potter park

I have news for all you Harry Potter fans! As someone who lives in Orlando, has friends who work at Universal and go there a lot, I sometimes get some inside news on upcoming attractions.

Now I’ve said in here before what I thought they are building over at the “old” Universal Studios park, where the now closed “Jaws” ride was. Up until now it was only speculation and rumors.

But I just heard from an inside source that they have announced concrete plans to the ones who need to know. I assume the news is not widely known anyways, I have not heard it in the news.
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