Orlando Theme park water ride tips

Theme park water rides

Summer is here in Orlando, Florida, which means all the kids want to go on the theme park water rides! I’m always surprised to see parents acting shocked when they go on a water ride and get a lot more wet then they think they will.

I guess a lot of folks think that the theme parks would not dare to get them too wet. HA ha ha! Yes they will, and they do. Some water rides get you more wet than others of course. But basically if you go on a water ride, expect and dress as if someone is going to throw a 5 gallon bucket of water over you.

I’m not talking about water parks or kiddie water play areas. All the theme parks have at least one real ride that involves water, lots of it! The whole point is to get you wet, so expect to do so.
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Florida summer sun equals sunburns!

Florida summer sunburns

Now that it’s summertime in Orlando Florida people are flocking to the beaches and spending more time outside. One thing most forget about is just how hot and intense the Florida sun is.

Since most are tourist from other places and countries they often have no idea that it’s easier to get a sunburn in Florida during the summer than where they are from. It can only take 10 minutes in the sun to get a nice red glow!

Florida has a more direct and closer distance to the sun than other places, thanks to being closer to the equator. Summer also puts it closer to the sun, plus most days are very sunny and cloud free.
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New theme park attractions and rides for summer 2013

seaworld rides

Well everyone, it’s now the start of the summer season here in Orlando. That means lots of people packing the theme parks to wait several hours in line for a two minute ride. 😀

But at least this year you have new rides and attractions to see and enjoy in the hot Florida sun. All 3 major theme parks; Disney, Universal Studios and SeaWorld, have added or are adding new attractions for the summer.

Disney has most of the new Fantasyland open at the Magic Kingdom. In this area you can enjoy a new little mermaid ride geared toward little kids. There is a new Beauty and the Beast castle which looks pretty cool and sits on top of the new “Be Our Guest” restaurant.
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Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Memorial day weekend

Happy Memorial day weekend everyone! For many this is the start of summer. It’s already getting pretty hot here in Florida, I think we are in for a very hot summer this year.

This also is the start of our famous afternoon thunderstorms, so be careful while driving in the afternoon as chances are you’ll get surprised by a quick downpour. When that happens remember to turn your lights on, slow down and watch for other drivers who may stop still if the rain gets too hard.

I will be going with some friends to Playalinda beach this weekend, over by Cape Canaveral. Nope, not the clothing optional part of the beach, which is way down at the end of the beachline. Maybe someday. 😀

If your driving somewhere this weekend please be careful and give yourself plenty of time as the roads will be packed. Don’t drink and drive and watch out for others on the road, including motorcycles.

The theme parks will be full too, maybe even reach capacity with some of them, like the Magic Kingdom. So be prepared for lots of people if you hit the parks.

So I wish everyone a happy Memorial Day weekend and hope you all have a good time and be safe. Just relax, don’t plan too much into each day, and be sure to protect yourself from the sun! :)

Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion news

Harry Potter

So by now most all Harry Potter fans knows about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion at Universal Studios. But not many know much details about it, since they are not saying much. Here’s what I can tell you as of now.

The new Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion will be in the “other” park, in the space that the “Jaws” ride was. It will be connected to the current Harry Potter land in Islands of Adventure via a Hogwarts Express train ride.

How detailed the train will be, if it even is a train, is not known. From what I have heard it will be a ride itself, where “things will happen”. It will transport guest from one park to the other for sure.
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My own brand of retro brown leather cafe motorcycle jackets!

retro brown cafe motorcycle jackets
Click here for this great men’s retro brown cafe motorcycle jacket!

I don’t often say much about the other things I do in here, or other websites I have. But today I wanted to let you all know that I have started my own brand of leather jackets I sell in my own online leather store.

For years I have run a small leather jacket store online called Leather Supreme. I sell several different brands of leather jackets, all top quality and reasonable prices. But I always hated how almost all of them were the same basic black colors.

Plus others sell the same brands, so I was selling the same jackets many others do. I wanted to sell different colors, styles and unique jackets you can’t find all over the place.
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Disney Fantasyland new Be Our Guest Restaurant


Located in the Beast’s Castle inside the new Disney fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom, Be Our Guest Restaurant offers a unique dining experience. Guests have the opportunity to step into a time machine and visit the famous ballroom setting from the animated film “Beauty and the Beast.”

This fabulous venue has three dining rooms that can accommodate 550 guests. Its name is inspired by the classic song from that film. Both the dinner table service and counter service menus offer French cuisine.

This uniquely designed restaurant opened on December 7, 2012. To get here, you must cross a stone bridge lined with gargoyles. Once you get inside, you will be greeted by enchanted suits of armor.
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Disney’s Expedition Everest Challenge in May

Disney Animal Kingdom run

The Disney Expedition Everest Challenge is one of the annual upcoming events at Walt Disney World. This thrill-packed event gives you a chance to experience the true meaning of “racing heartbeat.” Runners must complete a 5K on a course through the Animal Kingdom.

There are obstacles and challenges, as well as a scavenger hunt. Along with the Wine and Dine Half Marathon and the Tower of Terror Ten Miler, this is one of the most popular Walt Disney World’s nighttime races.

This fun filled event takes place every year. Besides the obvious attraction of a 5K race, there are many other exciting elements that make this nighttime adventure anything but ordinary.
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The Top Five Scariest Rides In the Orlando Area

Scary theme park rides

There are lots of different reasons why people travel to Florida, some people go for the sunshine, some for the magic of Disney and some to experience the nature and wildlife, the fishing opportunities and sometimes even just to find a really good steak.

However, there are those who head there for the thrills and scares that can only come from experiencing some of the best rides in the world. So what does Orlando have in store for the self-proclaimed adrenaline junky?

Here are the five rides that we think will give even the biggest thrill seekers a run for their money.
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The Rise of The Simulator: A guide to Simulator rides in Universal Orlando

Universal simulator rides

In recent years special effects technology has taken giant leaps forward. No big blockbuster is complete without its fair share of special effects. So it’s no wonder that this passion for a big effect has taken hold of the theme park world.

It seems now that no park is complete without rides that push the boundaries of technology deliver a ride experience that can truly take you into another world, or at least make it feel that way.

One of the earliest examples of this type of attraction is the recently revamped “Amazing Adventures of Spiderman” at Universal Islands of Adventure. Just pop on your 3D glasses and get transported into the world of the Marvel hero.
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Latest news on new Harry Potter park expansion!

Latest news on Harry Potter park

I have news for all you Harry Potter fans! As someone who lives in Orlando, has friends who work at Universal and go there a lot, I sometimes get some inside news on upcoming attractions.

Now I’ve said in here before what I thought they are building over at the “old” Universal Studios park, where the now closed “Jaws” ride was. Up until now it was only speculation and rumors.

But I just heard from an inside source that they have announced concrete plans to the ones who need to know. I assume the news is not widely known anyways, I have not heard it in the news.
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Daytona beach bike week 2013 picture gallery

Bike week 2013 picture gallery

Hi everyone! I went to this years Daytona beach 2013 bike week like I do every year. The day I went happened to be a cold and windy day out. So there were not too many biker babes walking around in bikinis. :(

In fact the beaches were empty, as you can see in some of my pictures. I went down to the beach, walked up main street where everything was going on, then drove over to the Daytona speedway.

Outside the track they always set up lots of cool new and custom bikes for sale. Some are amazing and one of a kind. So I took a lot of videos and pictures of it all, including when I was down on main street.
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