The Daytona 500 NASCAR Speedway races 2011, parking, events

Daytona 500 NASCAR races 2011

Once again it’s almost time for the Daytona 500 NASCAR races 2011! Each year thousands of die-hard NASCAR race fans converge on the Central Florida area for the races and lots of tail gate partying.

The Daytona 500 NASCAR race is the pinnacle of stock car racing. In fact, you might say it’s the Holy Grail of NASCAR. On February 20, 2011, you can see 43 of the best NASCAR drivers on the planet compete for the ultimate prize in stock-car racing, with 200 laps of edge-of-your-seat excitement.

The big race begins at 1 p.m. EST, but you’ll want to arrive early to take advantage of the pre-race festivities. In fact, you might want to arrive really early to get in on some of the Speedweeks action.
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Valentines day gifts, gift baskets, ideas

leather roses for bikers

Soon it will be Valentines day, the day for romance, sweet kisses and red roses! Unless you forget of course, in which case it will be a night of cold stares and sleeping by the TV. 😉

So make sure you get your sweetie a Valentines day gift, like gift baskets or flowers. Some cool Valentines day ideas are getting a dozen leather roses like the ones above.

Leather roses last forever unlike just a few days for real ones. They will remind your better half how much you care a lot longer than after you dump the wilted real roses in the trash. Check them out by clicking on the picture above.
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Happy New Year 2011 from Orlando Inside!

Happy New Year 2011!

Happy New Year everyone! Tonight is new years eve 2010, 2011. There will be lots of celebration going on all over the many theme parks here in Orlando Florida.

Walt Disney World will have fantastic fireworks at the Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Hollywood Studios. Most will fill to capacity late in the afternoon, so get in early and stay there if your going.

Universal Studios will have their CityWalk new years eve party with free food and a champagne toast at midnight. They also will have a cool show in the lagoon inside Universal Studios Orlando theme park.

Even Sea World will have a great fireworks and lit up water fountain show at the Bayside stadium. So all three major theme parks will have something to celebrate New Years Eve 2010-2011.

There will be lots of local Orlando area new years eve parties and fireworks too. Since it’s legal to have fireworks in Florida there is always a lot of people setting them off on new years eve.

I’m sure most are looking forward to a new year and hoping it will be better than this year. So from Orlando Inside, Happy New Year, and please drive safe and sober! :)

Merry Christmas from Orlando Inside!

Merry Christmas

Every time I look at this picture I get a craving for candy canes! 😉 Today is Christmas day, so I just wanted to say I hope everyone has a great time today and you get everything you wanted.

It’s been a pretty good year for me, I can’t complain. I made several more websites and make a nice living working from home with them. If not for that I would likely be one of the unemployed right now.

I’m not doing much today, as my family is all up in Vermont. Maybe I’ll go see some friends of mine, or even go out to the theme parks and see how crowded it is!

I appreciate my readers and want to say thanks for taking the time to read my little site here. I hope you’ve gotten some information out of it and that it helped in some way.

So from Orlando Inside, which is basically just me, Bill, I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy New Years! :)

Gaylord Palms ICE! show pictures, picture gallery for 2010

Well everyone, I went to the Gaylord Palms ICE! show for this year, 2010 and took great pictures of it. I have to say it was pretty good with great ice sculptures. For those who don’t know what the Gaylord Palms ICE show is about, see my full article here.

I took a lot of Gaylord Palms ICE show pictures and made a picture gallery of the best ones below, as well as the youtube video above. Each year they do a different theme, so the ice sculptures are a little different.

I used the same pictures for the Youtube video of Gaylord Palms as I did for the slide show picture gallery below. The slide show below shows the pictures bigger with more details, I think so anyway.

For those going, you park in the back where the convention center is, as that is where the entrance to the show is. There is a parking fee, I’m not sure if it’s different depending on how long your there. It cost me $11.00.
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Orlando Food and Wine Festival 2010

Orlando food and wine festival

If your looking for something to do in downtown Orlando this weekend, check out the third annual Orlando Food and Wine Festival 2010! This fun filled event will be going on this November 13th and 14th.

The Orlando Food and Wine Festival 2010 will be held on Robinson St. next to Lake Eola. Times are 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Saturday and 12 noon to 7:00 PM on Sunday.

So just what is the Orlando Food and Wine Festival 2010? Well all along the broad side of Lake Eola by Robinson St. food vendors will set up tents and booths.
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Gaylord ICE show 2010, ICE at Gaylord Palms show Orlando

Gaylord palms ice show 2010

Once again this year the Gaylord Palms hotel in the Orlando area will be hosting the Gaylord ICE show 2010. So just what is the ICE at Gaylord Palms show all about?

Well let me explain. Each year around the Holidays Gaylord Palms sets up an enormous tent outside the hotel. In fact it’s around 18,000 square feet big! Then they cool it down to only 9 degrees!

Next they truck in two million pounds of specially made ice blocks into the tent for the ICE at Gaylord Palms show. Some are crystal clear, while others are colored.
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Orlando trick or treating events and activities

Orlando area trick or treat events

Well this weekend is Halloween, and there are many trick or treat events going on in every small town around Orlando. Now, I’ve already made post about what the theme parks are doing for Halloween activities.

So here I just want to point out some local, smaller trick or treating parties and events going on this weekend. These are great places to take your kids trick or treating without worrying about the neighborhood.

There also are many Halloween parties going on that are just for grownups also. Many bars and clubs have cool, sexy Halloween parties going on. Here’s a quick list.
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Halloween pet costume contest at Winter Park

winter park pet costume contest

With all the things going on for Halloween I thought I’d mention one for pet lovers! There’s a neat Halloween pet costume contest and trick or treat in Winter Park On Oct. 31st from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

It’s held on the corner of Park Avenue and Canton Avenue in the upscale part of town. This pet Halloween costume contest benefits a good dog organization and is very popular.

The Winter Park pet costume contest has a big dog costume contest at 11:00 AM, then a small dog contest at 1:00 PM. Some of the dog costumes get quite creative!
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Cheap Orlando hotels near Disney, theme parks

Orlando Days Inn International
Orlando Days Inn International, one of the nicer cheap Orlando hotels around

There are many kinds of people when it comes to Hotels. Some just want a cheap Orlando hotel that is clean and safe, close to the theme parks. They don’t see the need to spend a lot on a room they basically only sleep in at night.

Most people are surprised at how many nice, cheap Orlando hotels there are right near Disney, Sea World and Universal Studios. Many are right next door to 5 star hotels that charge hundreds per night!

Why spend $250.00 per night at a hotel when within a stone’s throw distance is another chain hotel that only cost $40.00 per night? Again it all depends on the type of person you are, there is no wrong or right to it.
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Daytona Beach Biketoberfest 2010 events

Biketoberfest 2010 at Daytona Beach

So many things are going on around the Orlando area right now! One of them is Biketoberfest 2010 at Daytona Beach and the central Florida area. Think of it as a smaller version of bike week.

But not much smaller. It’s getting bigger and bigger each year, as thousands of bikers ride their motorcycles into Daytona Beach and even the Orlando area for a good time and lots of beer!

This year Biketoberfest 2010 is from October 14th to the 17th. The main biker events are in Daytona Beach and the surrounding area. But many stay in the Orlando area and ride up to Daytona each day.
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Orlando area Octoberfest events and activities 2010

Octoberfest activites in Orlando

Well once again it’s almost time for Octoberfest in Orlando 2010! Since the Orlando area is a big place there is no single event or place that defines Octoberfest. Many different towns in the Orlando area will have their own version of Octoberfest.

Also the many bars and nightclubs in the Orlando area will have Octoberfest nights and specials throughout the month of October. But there are a few Octoberfest events that happen every year and stand out more than others.

So below is a little list of the most popular Orlando Octoberfest events for 2010 that will be going on. I’ve put a link to most of them, but some you’ll just have to call or search for!
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