Going on my own vacation to Vermont!

Vermont vacation

Have you ever wondered what folks do that live in Orlando when they go on a vacation? Well I’m about to take off on one myself, about time! So where am I going to go on my vacation?

Since I’m from the state of Vermont that is where I’m going. My mom and family is up there so I’ll do the whole catching up on things up there. It will be cooler weather there and not as humid.

I got a non stop flight from Orlando International airport to Burlington Vermont. Only takes about 3 hours and it’s on Jet Blue. Got a deal on the price, only $265.00 round trip (of course)!

As I always do when I fly I’m only taking two pieces of carry on luggage. They are not over-sized, just a small bag and a laptop case. My favorite seat is the very last one in the back, window seat.

That way no kids are behind me kicking the seat. The bathroom is directly behind me so that is very convenient. Plus the food cart will not be in the isle in my way if I need to go.

I’m a laid back type, so I like to remain in my seat once the plane lands and let everyone else jump up and stand for 20 minutes, fighting to get their bags out of the overhead bins before they open the door.

Once everyone else rushes off I stroll out with my two small bags and avoid all the hassle. I will be gone for about a week but I still post on my websites.

So that’s what I do when it’s vacation time! I can visit Disney and the Florida beaches anytime at home. I’ll post some pictures once I get back. :)