I’ve been having a very busy week, so sorry if I’m not posting each day. This Friday I’m going to Universal Studios Orlando for a full day with a friend of mine. It’s been a little while since I’ve been there, so I’m going to take lots of pictures to share with you all. Of course I should be doing that a lot now that I have a website devoted to the theme parks and Orlando.
That’s one of the perks you have when you live in Orlando is going to the theme parks. They have Florida residence annual passes that are a good deal so it becomes affordable to go every week if you want. Not too many people can just decide to go to Universal Studios at the last minute! However many people that live in Orlando hardly ever go.
Why not you may ask? Well, it’s just like anything else. Most people work very hard and deal with what life always throws at you. Florida is not what some think, that you move down and spend your time lying in the sand and going to theme parks every other day! You still have to work, deal with the kids and life’s curve balls.
Before you know it a year has passed and you realize you never even went near a theme park all year. Not me, however. I like the theme parks and have a “peter pan” mentality. I’m not ever going to grow up, and my friends say I do a great job at that! When I told a worker once how often I go to Disney World and Universal Studios he said I need to get a life, hehe.
But having fun is a life, right! If not I sure don’t know what is. Anyways me and my friend will have a great time Friday at Universal Studios Orlando. The crowds are light and the weather is perfect. One of the paramedics that work there is a friend of mine too, Tami. I hope to run into her and say hi. In fact I want to interview her sometime for a post on here.
I’ll share my pictures on here when I get back. I want to take some on “the mummy” ride, I love that ride! It’s hard to hold a camera without it flying out of your hands though! I cracked the monitor screen on one once while it was still in my waist pack on that ride, too many,,uh,, “big” people had me shoved way over on my end.
Anyway it’s a great time to come down for a Disney World or Universal Studios Orlando vacation. So come down if you can. And if your a local, get out there and hit the theme parks, don’t regret all the times you should have gone out and had some fun. Remember why you came to Orlando in the first place!