Happy New Year from Orlando Inside!

happy new years from Orlando Inside!

Walt Disney World

Happy New Year everyone! It’s almost 2010 as I write this. I’m sure most people will be glad to see 2009 go and look forward to a better year. For many 2010 HAS to be better than the one that just passed! Jobs are down, homes were lost, savings wiped out. But there’s always a new year to look forward to, a new start.

My year was actually not that bad. I work full time at home on about a dozen websites, including this one. So I have been lucky to avoid the lay offs and troubles. I live alone and rent, so I did not have to worry about losing my house. I’ve been building up my websites and hope to have a great year in 2010.

I’m not sure if things are getting better or worst right now with the world economy. I guess we will all know soon. I’m being careful with my money and not buying much of anything. I pay cash for everything and don’t even own a credit card.

I’m not going to do much for New Years, probably stay home and watch something on the net. Here in Florida you can buy fireworks so there will be lots of noise at midnight no matter where you are here! If you go out please drive safe and be careful. Happy New Year’s everyone, from me at Orlando Inside! :)