Comments on: SeaWorld Orlando Turtle Trek exhibit now open! Orlando, Fl. theme parks, hotels, car rentals, dining, Disney, shopping & more! Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fidelis Azogu Fri, 07 Sep 2012 13:44:41 +0000 It was very painful that I learnt of sea world lately at Orlando airport sea world shop after rounding up my orlando tour plan. The figurines I saw in the shop left a vivid ecstasic impression that inspired me to procure some turtle figurines and picture frames. As I was not done with seaworld I searched further for sea world in the web.

When I launched into the seaworld web, I then painfully fathomed what I missed out in my vacation plan when I headed straight to Disney Orlando without making enquiries. Well it is not too late, I will be back next year from Nigeria.

It is even more painful that I can not order more figurines of sting rays, dolphins and jelly fish because sea world is apparently not yet into online shopping for me to make my oders.

Fidelis Azogu
