Bike week in Daytona Beach and Orlando

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the upcoming bike week in Daytona. Now just like my post on the Daytona 500, Orlando gets a lot of overflow tourist from bike week even though it’s in Daytona Beach, about 60 miles away. In fact many fly in from the Orlando airport, get a hotel in Orlando and drive out to Daytona during the day.

I myself have been to bike week several times. I use to have a courier route that went right down A1A, which is the beach front road. I got stuck in that sea of bikers all week long with my cargo van, what a pain! However it was cool to see all the bikes,,,, and biker chicks! :) I also went there just for the event last year.

If you’ve never been there you just can’t imagine the sight of over 600,000 bikes all in one town. That’s over half a million motorcycles riding down the road. You know that sound when a dozen or so bikers ride by? Picture that sound 10 times louder and never stopping all day! If you don’t like load noises, bike week is not for you. [Read more…]