Orlando Theme park water ride tips

Theme park water rides

Summer is here in Orlando, Florida, which means all the kids want to go on the theme park water rides! I’m always surprised to see parents acting shocked when they go on a water ride and get a lot more wet then they think they will.

I guess a lot of folks think that the theme parks would not dare to get them too wet. HA ha ha! Yes they will, and they do. Some water rides get you more wet than others of course. But basically if you go on a water ride, expect and dress as if someone is going to throw a 5 gallon bucket of water over you.

I’m not talking about water parks or kiddie water play areas. All the theme parks have at least one real ride that involves water, lots of it! The whole point is to get you wet, so expect to do so.
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Tips on water rides at Universal Studios Orlando and others

Well with all the post I have made so far, I have not really gave out a whole lots of real tips huh? Silly me! Okay then, I’ll give you a real good one today, and you’ll be really glad if you take these tips! If you have kids, you know kids love water rides at the theme parks. Parents always make one classic mistake about them.

They look at the ride and think “well, maybe if we go on it we will get lucky and not get too wet”. HAHAHAHA!!! Trust me, you will lose on that bet! You ALWAYS get really wet on the water rides, that’s what they are designed to do. Maybe you think that surely they would not get you really, really wet on purpose, right?

WRONG! The people that make those rides don’t think that getting soaked is a really bad thing. Okay, so you go and get those overpriced raincoats they just happen to sell right outside the water rides. So now you’ll stay dry even if you do get a wall of water rushing over you. BUT, you forget the most important part of your body. [Read more…]