Comments on: Universal Studios CityWalk New Years Eve events, party for 2011, 2012 Orlando, Fl. theme parks, hotels, car rentals, dining, Disney, shopping & more! Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:05:50 +0000 Hi again. Oh there are lots of families with teens that have this problem. It all depends on what you like. Many go to Disney and watch the fireworks and enjoy the shows at Midnight. They don’t go for the rides but for the fireworks and shows. Many teens love those.

If you want to stay at Universal then you can take in the show at the lagoon, which will be close to midnight. Or even be at the other park and do the rides since they will be open until 1 AM. But there will be no fireworks.

SeaWorld will have a great water, music and fireworks show at midnight with a special area with a live DJ. That’s where I would go myself. Personally I’m staying home that night, I spend enough time at the parks, I don’t need to be there when they are the most crowded! 😀

As for restaurants, all the most popular ones at the parks and the big hotels like the ones at Universal and Disney will have late night dinners with maybe a little champagne toast at midnight but nothing too big. It’s hard to recommend any one thing because every place will do something a bit different and only you can decide what is best for your taste. :)

By: Elizabeth Hellreich Wed, 07 Dec 2011 15:47:47 +0000 Thanks for the update. I still do not have a recommendation where it is best to be at midnite with teens 19 and 15. Sounds like Universal Florida , at the lagoon by midnight. What are people with teens doing? It can’t be possible I am the only one wondering about this? Are there realy that few 15 – 19 year olds at universal at this time of year? (Maybe I should cancel?) Also, what restaurants would you recommend for sit down dinners, especially New Years Eve? Are there restaurants doing anything that you would recommend?
