Comments on: Universal Studios Orlando Jaws ride to close Jan. 2nd 2012 Orlando, Fl. theme parks, hotels, car rentals, dining, Disney, shopping & more! Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 05 Apr 2013 17:30:12 +0000 The Earthquake is now DISASTER (with Heston being replaced by Christopher Walken). It is probably the same as Earthquake in that the crowd participates to make a REAL movie clip. Same goes for Jimmy Neutron replacing HANNAH BARBARA… is pretty much the same ride with different graphics/animations. I suspect that Despicable Me will be the same now that it has replaced Jimmy Neutron. Again, same goes for The Simpsons (which WAS the Back to the Future ride). Same ride pretty much with different graphics/animations.

I never got to ride the King Kong but after viewing other folk’s footage, THE MUMMY kicks King Kong’s butt. As for, Back to the Future or Hannah Barbara, I don’t think I missed much as they are so much like the “face-lift” they got. I also saw footage of the Wild Wild West show over by where Swamp Thing once sat and where MIB is now. FEAR FACTOR replaced it and I believe that was a good move because the Wild Wild West Stunt show was not nearly as good as the Six Flags Western Stunt Show. Another good move was in Replacing Ghost Busters with TWISTER because Ghost Busters is too much like TERMINATOR 2 and I wouldn’t mind seeing and actual ride or decent performance replace T2. Except for these few changes, they have not made many good changes over the years (including the plans that they possibly had in adding to the Jurassic Park with a vehicle jungle tour (as was the case in the actual movie). Instead, they ran with Harry Potter and I truly believe this bad decision will come back and “bite” them one of these days. Getting rid of the JAWS ride and the charming little town and restaurants WILL BE a BIG mistake….I guarantee it.

I’m glad they are keeping the Beatlejuice show but, as mentioned above, I and most US/IOA Orlando fans are deeply sorrowed that the JAWs ride is no more. It was not the greatest of a rides (unless you are a kid and/or had never been on it) but it was still a ride that MOST everyone simply HAD to ride each and every time they went to Universal (if for any other reason…old time sake). Yes, the executives are really messing up Universal Studios in Florida as many are like my family and simply not impressed at all with the Harry Potter ride that they spent MILLIONS on. It simply isn’t that good a ride and for them to have truly goofed up one of the best rides in the world (the Dueling Dragons) and charge far more than they once did (to make up for the cost of Harry Potter) they have left their BEST customers to seek vacation fun elsewhere. We had gone for five years in a row but refused to go after the many changes….and for the record, Harry Potter really does suck…we waited and waited and waited to ride a ride that was not any better than Spiderman or Jimmy Neutron. What’s worse, they’re putting in more of the same to replace JAWS. I truly believe Universal Studios will be hurting badly after the “NEW” wears off of Harry Potter. Sadly, I doubt my family will EVER go back now that they changed so much that was VERY charming, including the unicorn ride, with the eye-soar monstrosity and lengthy construction for an “out of place Harry Potter” that will overwhelm the landscape just as the Harry Potter Castle which houses a not-so- good a ride.

They could have destroyed MIB or Disaster for all I care but they should have never replaced Jaws. I would have (at the very least) had it turned into a restaurant/museum with living dolphins for Dinner and a show….with a peaceful boat ride to show off the fantastic memorabilia. Simply put….so sad and so very stupid. Any one of use could run that joint better than the crew they have now.

By the by, does anyone know if they are (at least) planning to keep the JAWS display for those who have photos of their children growing taller and taller each year with the large shark? I had hoped to have several years of photos with that shark…all the way up till we were blessed enough to start over with grandkids one day. I suppose that is why we have photoshop though (IF) they do remove JAWs. HA! You gotta laugh to keep from crying.traditional photos?

By: admin Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:01:55 +0000 Hi Cindy. Yes I agree it’s too bad the old rides get closed down. I only got to see the Ghost Busters show once before they closed it. Then I only rode the King Kong ride a few times before that got closed down.

Heck I don’t even know what that ride is now where Earthquake use to be. Guess I need to go in there and see what that is all about. There is rumors that Jaws will be replace by a new Transformers ride. If so that will be a big mistake.

By: cindy Mon, 05 Dec 2011 14:35:50 +0000 It’s ashame that all the good rides are being taken away. Jaws, Ghostbusters and KIng Kong I am sure were great rides and attractions. It has nothing to do with people not relating to them a ride is a ride My family and I never got to enjoy any of these rides. Everything that may be a reminder of wonderful things are being removed and things that have no particular meaning replace things that did. It’s really not about a new generation. It’s a real shame someone thinks that way.
