Comments on: Walt Disney New Years Eve 2010, 2011 fireworks, events and times Orlando, Fl. theme parks, hotels, car rentals, dining, Disney, shopping & more! Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monica Sat, 17 Dec 2011 05:25:24 +0000 Hello, we are Florida residents trying to do something different this year for New Year’s Eve, and we thought maybe going to the Disney area. Anything different or any advice for 2011?? I checked out the Swam and Dolphin hotels and was thinking of spending the actual New Year’s at the Boardwalk, but you posted there are no fireworks there… is that still the case. Any restaurants you recommend in that area?

By: admin Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:51:00 +0000 HI Andres. Anaheim is in the Disneyland area of California, not Walt Disney World in Florida. I’m talking about the one in Florida, sorry.

I really have no idea what they are doing in the Disneyland parks and places in California, sorry. :)

By: Andres Sat, 01 Jan 2011 00:44:56 +0000 So i can watch a fire work show in downtown Disney in Anaheim, and it will start at 12

By: admin Fri, 31 Dec 2010 22:24:19 +0000 Hello there Jess and APL214! First, there are no fireworks at Disney Boardwalk. HOWEVER you can see the fireworks show coming from Epcot since it’s very close to that park.

It will not be as good as right there inside Epcot, but you will be able to see some nice burst and even the lasers. But again, there are no fireworks actually going off right in Disney Boardwalk.

Next, There actually will be some fireworks at Downtown Disney. However as I said a few comments above, they are not all that much. At least not compared with the big fireworks at the theme parks.

But if you want to avoid the hassle of the theme parks and take in the sights at Downtown Disney, then it will be a nice small display that is better than nothing. Hope that all helps.

It’s getting late, so everyone get going and have a great New Years Eve party! :)

By: APL214 Fri, 31 Dec 2010 21:53:43 +0000 I usually go to Downtown Disney to celebrate New Years…but i looked it up, & supposedly this year, Downtown Disney will not have any fireworks this year. is this true?

By: Jess Fri, 31 Dec 2010 21:49:44 +0000 Will there be fireworks at Disney Boardwalk?

By: admin Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:25:18 +0000 Hello there JP! Tomorrow and Sunday will still be very busy days at all the theme parks. In fact the most popular ones, like the Magic Kingdom, could still fill to capacity over the holiday weekend.

However don’t let that scare you away. Just pick a park you like and get in early. They still will be having their holiday parades and firework shows so the weekend will still be a great time to see everything! :)

By: JP Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:19:50 +0000 I know New year’s Eve will packed and full of events, but is there anything interesting happening at any of the parks on New Year’s Day when, presumably, the crowds will be smaller?

By: admin Thu, 30 Dec 2010 18:52:44 +0000 Hello there Gigi. I don’t think they ever have had Downtown Disney fill to capacity. There is actually 3 parts to it; Disney’s west side, what is left of Pleasure Island, and the main downtown Disney marketplace.

So no, I think everyone can go at any time, but it will be crowded of course. If your in walking distance I highly recommend you do that, as the parking lot may indeed fill to capacity.

If you do drive, go all the way over to the west side, you always find more parking spots there than the one close by the marketplace area.

As for fireworks, you will not be able to see any of them going off in the Theme parks as they are too far away. You might catch glimpses of them but that’s all.

I don’t think they will have any real fireworks right at Downtown Disney. Maybe a few confetti burst and very small blast but that’s about it.

So if you really want to see fireworks, you need to go into one of the theme parks, except for Animal Kingdom, which has no fireworks. Hope that helps. :)

By: gigi Thu, 30 Dec 2010 18:23:59 +0000 we are attending the citrus bowl on saturday, but arriving in a downtown disney area hotel new years eve around 8pm. do you think downtown disney will be filled to capacity by then? will we be able to see any fireworks from there? thanks!
