5th annual doggie derby races this weekend at Baldwin Park, Orlando

5th annual doggie derby at Baldwin Park, Orlando

I’m going to start writing about more local events in the Orlando area, as I’m sure the locals would like to hear about other things than the theme parks all the time!

So today I wanted to let you all know about the 5th annual doggie derby that will take place this weekend at Baldwin Park, Orlando. It’s a really fun event that raises funds for a great cause.

This years doggie derby will be Saturday, April 28th 2012 from 9 AM to 2 PM. That’s this weekend. This year the money they raise will be going to the Stock the Pantry program.

The way the doggie derby works is that two dogs race each other side by side down a short 25 yard grassy track. They are divided into 4 different weight divisions.

They keep on racing until there is one winner for each division. Winners get a trophy in each class and the overall winner gets the grand prize. It’s fun for both the humans and dogs and often has funny results.

Besides the doggie derby there will be lots of food, drinks, live music, a kids activities area and lots of local pet vendors plus homeless pets ready for a loving home.

So come on out this weekend to the 5th annual doggie derby at Baldwin Park, Orlando and have a good time. I’ll be there taking pictures and videos. Check out my youtube video below I made of last years event! :)

5th annual doggie derby
Saturday, April 28th 2012 from 9 AM to 2 PM
Corrine Commons, 1913 Meeting Place at Baldwin Park, Orlando, FL 32814

Local Doggie Derby at Baldwin Park pictures and videos

Besides talking about the theme parks here in Orlando I also try to go to many local events going on. Since I also run a pet website here, I went this past weekend to the 4th annual Doggie Derby at Baldwin Park, Orlando.

It was a fun event, with people racing their doggies in a short grassy area to benefit a local pet rescue organization. I took a lot of video and pictures there, so maybe you’ll see yourself and your dog here!

The top video has all the derby races back to back. Well not all of them but a lot of them. The video below has general shots of the pet vendors, people and pets.
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