From Orlando Inside, happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving day from Orlando Inside!

Once again it’s time for Thanksgiving day in the USA! Time to count your blessings and be thankful for whatever you have. This year has been hard on lots of folks, so it will be a bit harder to find things to be thankful for.

But we here in the United States still have it much better than lots of the other world, even poor folks. One of my favorite saying is “everything is relative”.

Which means we all tend to see things relative to where we are, who we are and what has happened in our lives. Because of that we often see our good luck or bad luck only in relation to how our life is right now.
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Walt Disney World Thanksgiving Day events, Thanksgiving dinner restaurants 2011

Walt Disney World Thanksgiving day events and places for Thanksgiving dinners 2011

Once again it’s almost Thanksgiving day! Many people ask what is going on at Walt Disney World during Thanksgiving day, November 24th. To be honest there really is nothing special that takes place at Disney on that day.

Contrary to what some have heard there is NO special Thanksgiving day parade at any of the Disney theme parks. There may be one over at Disneyland in California, but not here in Orlando.

Of course Thanksgiving day does fall right in the middle of the Holiday season. In the past Disney would put up all the Christmas decorations the night after Thanksgiving day, or the weekend following it.
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Walt Disney World Thanksgiving day parade youtube video

Well everyone, I can’t show you what this years Walt Disney World Thanksgiving day parade will look like, because it has not happened yet! But I can show you one from a few years ago. Each year the Disney holiday parades get better, and I’m sure the Thanksgiving day parade at Disney this year will be better than this one.

But this gives you a little taste of what to expect if you are at Disney World this year for the Thanksgiving day parade. They will have several of them during the day. Of course with four theme parks each parade will be a little different. This youtube video is of the Magic Kingdom Thanksgiving day parade at Walt Disney World. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving day at Universal Studios and Sea World

Thanksgiving day at Universal Studios and Sea World

A week ago I made a post about what is going on Thanksgiving day at Disney. So I thought I’d also tell you what will be going on at Universal Studios and Sea World on Thanksgiving day. The truth of the matter is, there really is not that much extra going on at any of the theme parks on Thanksgiving day, except for bigger crowds!

Both Universal Studios and Sea World will have a few extra decorations and so on with a Thanksgiving theme. But there are no special Thanksgiving parades planned, or any Thanksgiving shows. It’s just not a Holiday that lends itself good with theme parks.

Here and there you will find restaurants in both Universal Studios and Sea World that will be serving the traditional Thanksgiving meal, like turkey, ham and cranberries. Normally it will be the bigger restaurants in the parks that will be serving Thanksgiving meals.

But that’s really about the only things that will be different. However because it’s a Holiday the parks WILL be full, very full. So be prepared for that and come early. Right after Thanksgiving all the parks will put up their Christmas decorations and lights.

They really do a good job transforming the parks into a Christmas theme, and the lights at night are fantastic. So if you are visiting the parks at Thanksgiving make sure you also come back the day or two after Thanksgiving, and stay till night to see the lights!