Universal Harry Potter vacations packages May 28th

Universal offering harry potter vacation packages May 28th!

Harry Potter fans have been keeping a close eye on when Universal Studios will open up the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter land. They have been tight-lipped about telling when it will open. But now we have a much closer open date!

That’s because Universal Studios has been starting to offer new vacation packages tied in to the Harry Potter attraction. The new deals are good starting May 28th. So, if they give vacation packages upselling how you will see the Harry Potter attraction, then it’s clear it will be open at least by May 28th!

But they always have a “soft” opening before that, so they can work the bugs out of the new rides and so on. They want to be sure everything is working good before they invite guest to stay and see the Harry Potter attraction.
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New pictures of Wizarding world of Harry Potter park at Universal Studios

Harry Potter World at Universal Studios

A few days ago I was at Universal Studios here in Orlando. So I took a few more pictures of the construction going on at the new Wizarding world of Harry Potter park. A theme park within a theme park at 20 acres in size, it sure looks to me like they have a long way to go. Yet they are still saying it will be open in the spring 2010.

Harry Potter World at Universal Studios

I sure hope so, as many are planning their vacations around the opening of Harry Potter park. I do think it will be amazing, and look very true to the buildings in the Harry Potter movies. As you can see the castle is looking pretty cool, as is the other buildings. You can’t seem them in these pictures but I saw some of those buildings with fake snow on the roof.

Harry Potter World at Universal Studios

You can see the long chimneys too, just like how they were on the town buildings in the Harry Potter movies. So I think your really going to feel like your walking right through town. The last picture shows a good closeup of Hogwarts castle. That’s where the star attraction ride is suppose to be, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

So, it all looks great so far. I think they will do a good job on making it all look very real and true to the town and buildings in the Harry Potter movies. The question is, can they get it all going by spring! If worst comes to worst I think they will make sure the main part and rides are working, and finish up any other parts of the place if they fall behind on time.

Harry Potter World at Universal Studios