Hurricane season in Orlando, Florida 2012

Hurricane season

Today is the start of hurricane season for Orlando, Florida. So I thought I’d give some information and tips about them, plus dispel a lot of mis-information you often get.

Often when people outside Florida hear that a hurricane has hit a part of Florida, they imagine the whole state feeling the effects of it. This is very false. For all the years I’ve lived in Orlando I STILL have not been in one!

Orlando Florida is basically in the center of the state, around 70 miles from the eastern seaboard and around 120 miles from the western seaboard, or rather the Gulf of Mexico.
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Some memorable Tips for Your Orlando Disney Vacation

Disney holiday vacations

A trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, can be an unforgettable experience for any family. This is the original Disney World and while most will argue that it is also the best, there are many ways in which you can make your trip all the more memorable.

Plan your rides
For many families, the best part of their whole Disney World experience is the great choice of theme parks and rides on offer, but queuing to get onto to them is an unavoidable part of this trip. Their immense popularity means that you may have to wait some time, but naturally, your patience will undoubtedly be rewarded.

In order to avoid any kind of disappointment, find a schedule of rides before you travel and decide between yourselves which are the ones that you have to experience at all costs. You should be able to take in all that you want, but planning ahead is a necessary task.
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Hollywood Studios Star Wars weekends 2012 going on now!

Star Wars weekends at Disney

I’m a bit late on this, but better late than never right! Just wanted to give you all a heads up that the annual Star Wars weekends at Disney’s Hollywood Studios is going on now.

Each Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Hollywood Studios theme park at Disney you can catch lots of characters, shows and events from the Star Wars movies.

On each of the days at 12:40 PM will be the Legends of the Force parade up Hollywood Boulevard that will have all your favorite Star Wars characters and some that may surprise you.
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Wet N Wild’s new family water park, Blast-Away Beach!

New water park in Orlando, Blastaway beach!

Just in time for summer, Wet N Wild water park on International Drive in Orlando is opening up a whole new family friendly section in June 2012! Called Blastaway Beach it will be an acre in size!

Wet N Wild is Orlando’s most popular water park located very close to Universal Studios, which actually owns the park. It’s right on the busy tourist strip of International Drive.

It features fantastic water rides, slides, tubes and other water thrill rides. It had a section for little kids, but that area was shut down a while ago.
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Orlando, Florida home of cheap holiday prices

Find cheap Florida holidays in Orlando!

Very soon it will be summer and thoughts go to taking that summer vacation with the kids once school is out. These days with the high gas prices and economy in the dumps everyone wants to save money. Surprisingly some of the most popular holiday destinations can also be some of the most affordable. That happens to include vacations in the Orlando, Florida area.

The reason is very simple. Since Orlando is a popular family vacation location with Disney, theme parks and the nearby beach, Many different companies compete with each other for your tourist dollars. That makes Cheap Family Holidays a dream come true in Orlando. When many companies compete with each other, it drives down the cost of everything.

In Orlando that includes hotels, rental cars, restaurants, shopping malls, taxi, airfares and all the many attractions. They all want your business so they all try to give the best deals for your money. That adds up to big savings for you, even during the popular busy summer holiday season. Sure you can spend a lot, but you don’t have to.
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Check out my leather jacket online store

Great leather jackets
Click here for great leather jackets and apparel

I wanted to talk about something very different today. It really does not fit this site, as it has nothing to do with Orlando, Florida or anything about vacations. But since I’m the boss I get to do it anyways! 😀

I just wanted to point out that I actually run around 3 dozen different websites, and one of them happens to be an online leather jackets and apparel store. It’s called Leather Supreme and if you like leather apparel you’ll find some great items in there.

I only carry high quality leather, not those damn cheap “patchwork” or “stone design” crappy leathers you see in EBay. Those are junk, made from scraps of left-over leather and pressed together like plywood!
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SeaWorld Orlando Turtle Trek exhibit now open!

Turtle trek at SeaWorld now open!

SeaWorld Orlando has several new things opening this year, and one of them has already opened just a few days ago. It’s called Turtle Trek, and it’s a cool exhibit that shows off and gives information about the endangered sea turtles.

This big exhibit has several different sections to it, both inside and outside. On the outside you can walk along a trail and look down upon a big tank that has manatees SeaWorld is rehabilitating that have been injured or baby manatees.

Inside the exhibit you can view sea turtles in a giant aquarium that even goes over you. So you can see them gliding above you or through the glass that is taller than a person.
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Disney’s Art of Animation resort video and pictures

One of the newest Disney resorts being made will be opening in late May, and they recently had a press review for it. Disney’s Art of Animation resort is a very stunning looking Disney hotel, as you can see in these videos and pictures.

It has more than 1,000 suites plus 800 normal hotel rooms. There seems to be a different theme for each wing of the resort. The pool is very big and seems to be done in a “Finding Nemo” theme, which is fitting.

Other themes for the different wings will be the Cars wing, the Lion king wing, and the Little Mermaid wing. I’m not sure if just the Finding Nemo wing will be open in May or all of the resort.
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SeaWorld Orlando’s new Antarctica Realm land opening next year

New SeaWorld realm land opening next year

The latest and biggest news over at SeaWorld Orlando is that they are in the process of making a new “land” over there. SeaWorld’s Antarctica ‘realm’ land will be themed as a visit to Antarctica, complete with penguins!

The making of a themed “land” inside SeaWorld Orlando is a bit different for them. Right now they do have different “sections” of the park for different types of animals and marine life.

But the new Antarctica Realm land seems to be the first where a whole part of the park will immerse the guest totally into a new land, like the Harry Potter land at Universal.
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5th annual doggie derby races this weekend at Baldwin Park, Orlando

5th annual doggie derby at Baldwin Park, Orlando

I’m going to start writing about more local events in the Orlando area, as I’m sure the locals would like to hear about other things than the theme parks all the time!

So today I wanted to let you all know about the 5th annual doggie derby that will take place this weekend at Baldwin Park, Orlando. It’s a really fun event that raises funds for a great cause.

This years doggie derby will be Saturday, April 28th 2012 from 9 AM to 2 PM. That’s this weekend. This year the money they raise will be going to the Stock the Pantry program.

The way the doggie derby works is that two dogs race each other side by side down a short 25 yard grassy track. They are divided into 4 different weight divisions.

They keep on racing until there is one winner for each division. Winners get a trophy in each class and the overall winner gets the grand prize. It’s fun for both the humans and dogs and often has funny results.

Besides the doggie derby there will be lots of food, drinks, live music, a kids activities area and lots of local pet vendors plus homeless pets ready for a loving home.

So come on out this weekend to the 5th annual doggie derby at Baldwin Park, Orlando and have a good time. I’ll be there taking pictures and videos. Check out my youtube video below I made of last years event! :)

5th annual doggie derby
Saturday, April 28th 2012 from 9 AM to 2 PM
Corrine Commons, 1913 Meeting Place at Baldwin Park, Orlando, FL 32814

Orlando airport flight prices up sharply this summer

Orlando airline prices up this summer

With summer just a few months away it looks like airline flights coming into and out of the Orlando, Florida area will be up sharply this summer. Higher fuel prices are making the cost of flying go up this year.

For instance some of the more popular Orlando flights are up $50.00 to $70.00 above what they were last year. That’s not too much if it’s a single person. But since Orlando is home to Disney most flying in are families.

So when you take a family of four into consideration that higher price for each one can really hurt. It’s too early to say just how high Orlando airline prices will go, if they go higher.
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Walt Disney New Storybook Circus in Fantasyland youtube video

As I mentioned here in another post a week or two ago, one part of the new Fantasyland project at Disney’s Magic Kingdom theme park is now open. A part of that is called Storybook Circus.

I’m sure your all wondering just what it looks like, so here’s a cool Disney youtube video of it. It’s actually quite a long video that gives you lots of details of what is inside.

Part of the Storybook Circus area is the re-done Dumbo ride, which you can see in this video. They added lots of details to the ride making it look even better.

Another part of Storybook Circus has Goofy’s “Great Goofini” Barnstormer roller coaster. It’s a mild roller coaster made for small kids but adults can also ride it.

The Magic Kingdom train also has a station here that is really done up in a cool way with lots to see. Some of the video also shows a bit of the other parts of the new Fantasyland under construction that will open later.

So check out the video of Disney’s new Storybook Circus area to see what you can go on and do now, plus some peeks at what is to come! :)