Comments on: Universal Studios New Years Eve 2010, 2011 events, CityWalk shows Orlando, Fl. theme parks, hotels, car rentals, dining, Disney, shopping & more! Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 07 Dec 2011 01:37:35 +0000 Hello there Elizabeth Hellreich, thanks for asking. This is actually last year’s event, for the newest info on what’s going on at Universal Studios on New Years Eve check out this:
2011-2012 new years party
You will see that they will not be having any fireworks this year at all, even in the parks. As for what to do when you have teens, I assume you mean New Years eve night? Universal has some great high thrill rides to go on during the day, teens love those.

So they could do that even late in the evening in both Universal parks. But if you really want to see fireworks and don’t want to do Disney, I suggest going to SeaWorld. They will have a great water and fireworks show plus a live DJ you can dance to.

SeaWorld has a few roller coasters good for teens plus all the marine shows of course. So you could do that. There’s not a whole lot more options on New Years eve except for what goes on at each hotel, which have their own little parties. Hope you have fun whatever you do! :)

By: Elizabeth Hellreich Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:33:28 +0000 What would you recommend for a mum with her 20 and 16 year old daughers? too young for citywalk and too old for the kids stuff! We are from Toronto and are used to all ages events. The hotels look like they are offering middle aged adults stuff. We already booked our tickets. We are aware of the fireworks over the lagoon etc. but what about other good entertainment?Where do the other teens go? Help!! Liz

By: admin Sun, 18 Sep 2011 18:28:32 +0000 Hi there heidideidi, thanks for asking. Yes admission to both parks is the normal price, no extra. Only the special CityWalk party is extra. I will have a newer, updated article for the Universal Studios 2011-2012 New Years party soon. But again, it will be normal park price that day, no extra. :)

By: heidideidi Sun, 18 Sep 2011 18:18:51 +0000 We will be in orlando for New Years Eve 2011. Entry into the Islands of Adventure and Univerisal Studios on New Years Eve is regular ticket cost? we arent interested in the citywalk party as we have young children.

By: sarah Tue, 14 Jun 2011 21:50:13 +0000 can you tell me who will be playing at yr 2011-2012 universal party, im from the UK and thinking of spending Christmas and new year with your park.

By: admin Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:34:26 +0000 Hi Michelle. Universal Studios has not came out with their plans for this years New Years Eve party yet. The party at CityWalk is always for adults. But you can bring the kids into the two theme parks and see some shows and stuff for new years. :)

By: Michelle Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:26:44 +0000 Can you tell me what events you have planned for New Years Eve 2011-2012? Are any kid friendly?

By: admin Fri, 21 Jan 2011 02:01:17 +0000 Hey there yourself Shannon! It depends on what concerts your talking about. If you mean the 15 different concerts and bands playing at the Mardi Gras party this year, you can see them all in my article here:
Mardi Gras concerts

If your talking about the Universal Studios summer concert series, they start June 12th. Universal has not updated this years bands yet, so check back as I will make an article about it as soon as they know. :)

By: Shannon Fri, 21 Jan 2011 01:40:36 +0000 Hey: ) when Can we find out when 2011 consert arive and who is going o be playing? Which bands? !?! And when.

By: How did you like Universal’s CityWalk New Years Eve party? | Orlando Inside Thu, 06 Jan 2011 14:04:52 +0000 […] FiguresTheme Park EventsDisney's New Years EveMickey's Christmas PartyUniversal's Macy's ParadeUniversal's New YearsUniversal's GrinchmasSea World Holiday ShowsGaylord ICE ShowDisney Spectacle Of LightsCandlelight […]
